Frequently asked questions
Q: Why is there a Medicaid waiver waiting list now when there hasn’t been one in many years?
A: After the FSSA reported a $1 billion budget forecasting error at the end of 2023, it was forced to make several cost-containment strategies. One of those strategies was to cap the number of elderly Hoosiers who receive the Indiana PathWays for Aging Medicaid waiver for assisted living and other home- and community-based services, creating a waitlist of more than 10,000 Hoosiers 65 and older who rely on Medicaid.
Q: How do I know where I am on the waitlist?
A: While there’s no way to know exactly where each person is on the waitlist, the Indiana FSSA has a dashboard that reports monthly data.
Q: What are my options if I’m on the waitlist and require assisted living services?
A: Hoosiers who rely on Medicaid for their care and are on the Indiana PathWays for Aging waiver waitlist are forced to move to a nursing home, which will cost the State of Indiana millions of dollars.
Q: I was previously receiving services via the Medicaid waiver. Shouldn’t I be automatically moved to the Indiana PathWays for Aging waiver instead of being placed on a waitlist?
A: The FSSA has capped the number of elderly Hoosiers who are eligible to receive the Indiana PathWays for Aging waiver, creating a waitlist. If you already have the Medicaid Aged & Disabled Waiver, you will continue to receive your benefits. If your renewal isn't completed and approved, if you leave your Assisted Living community for an extended period, or if you don't have the Waiver currently in place, you'll be placed on the waitlist.
Q: I’ve been notified that I’ve been placed on the waitlist. How long before I have to move out of assisted living?
A: If you've been placed on the waitlist, the State will no longer reimburse your community to cover your residency. Some communities may require you to pay their private pay rates to cover your stay, but it's important to communicate with your community to get a clear picture of how being waitlisted affects you specifically.